End of Quarter – Today is the end of the 3rd Quarter. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am. Progress Reports will be available towards the end of next week.
STEM Day – St. Vincent College has invited several of our Sophomores and Juniors to a STEM Day for those interested in pursuing a career in those areas. Students who go on this trip will leave the school around 8:30am and return around 2:15pm with Pastor Lear and Brother Trout. If your student is participating, they should already know and will have a note in their notebook on Monday.
Easter Break – Easter break begins at the 11:30am dismissal on Thursday, March 28th. Students will return to school on Tuesday, April 2nd.
Fine Arts Night – Friday, April 26th is the scheduled Fine Arts Night. We are excited to see the many talents that our 7th-12th grade students will put on display! We are going to try and do a fund raiser to help students raise additional money for their trip in May, tentatively scheduled for May 28th-30th. We will put together more details in the coming days and send home a flier that you can pass out to friends and family.
Graduations – Just a reminder that Kindergarten Graduation is on May 9th and Senior Graduation is on May 10th.
Academic Release Days – Students who are eligible for Academic Early Release will not have school May 13th through the end of the year. Those students will get a note from their Supervisor the week before.
Awards Celebration – The last day of school is May 23rd, with an 11:30am dismissal. We will have our annual awards celebration at 6:00pm that evening. There are many awards and cash prizes handed out that night and students must be present to receive them.