724-539-8299 info@bbcalatrobe.com

We wanted to give some information on upcoming events.

  1. There are no sports practices this week. There will be football practice and volleyball team pictures on the 24th.
  2. The last away football game is on the 26th. We will try to update the calendar with an address once we get it from the other school. We are waiting on a response from them on where we will be playing.
  3. The 27th is a half day of school, with an 11:30am dismissal. This is the last day of the quarter.
  4. There is a mother/daughter volleyball game as well as a father/son football game scheduled for the 27th.
  5. There is a parent/teacher fellowship on Sunday, the 29th, from 4pm-6pm. No students are permitted. It is a casual event with no set schedule. You can come and go anytime during the activity. This is your opportunity to get first quarter progress reports as well as academic projections for your students. Please plan to attend.
  6. There is no school on Monday, the 30th.
  7. There are field trips for the 7th-9th and 10th-12th grade students on October 24th and 31st respectively. If you have not signed and paid for the tip, you can text the word “trips” to 724-577-7300 and a link to the registration will be sent to your phone.

We also wanted to give a quick reminder about communicable diseases. This is the time of year when many sicknesses go around, and we want to do our best to keep it to a minimum. If you child has symptoms of a sickness, please remember to keep them home, especially if they are not fever free for 24 hours without medication. Also, if your student has signs of pink eye and it is seeping, please keep them home until they have been on an antibiotic that has stopped the drainage.