724-539-8299 info@bbcalatrobe.com

Thank you to all those who came to Parent Orientation yesterday! We covered a lot of topics and I thought I would pass on some highlights for those who missed it.

The YouTube video replay can be found here: VIDEO

Tuesday, the 29th, is the first day of school. It will be a half day with an 11:30am dismissal time.

The school cell phone number is: 724-221-0267. Please use this number to contact the school for any reason as it is always monitored during the school day. The school paging system (how we send out mass communications) number is: 22383. If you are not receiving these texts, please contact the school cell by phone or text to be added to the system.

All exterior doors will be locked during the school day. There is a video doorbell that you can ring should you need in the building or to drop something off. It connects to the school cell phone so a staff member will be able to assist you.

7th-12th grade students will have the opportunity to participate in a fine arts night in the spring. Those who participate will be eligible for a trip at the end of the school year. This trip will cost around $250-300. Students will earn discounts on the trip costs by participating in events and placing 1st-3rd in the competition.

All electives will start the 4th week of school unless otherwise noted.

Sports practices will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3pm-5pm starting August 31st (next Thursday).

We will be having Advanced computer for students in the honors program of graduation. We may be able to open that up to additional LC4 students, but that determination will be made once we see how many honors students will be participating. We also will be having an ASL sign language elective available to our LC4 students.

The school calendar is available on our website here: CALENDAR

BJU Science and Math will be done individually by students during the school day. They will watch videos and do their work on their own to save time and limit distractions. A staff member will be available at certain times of the week to gather them as a group if they want to participate in group studies or have a teacher present for their testing.

Speedy Reader will start in the first week or so of school. Parents of younger students should be on the lookout for a separate folder sent home with the students with instructions and additional information if they get enrolled into that program. A video for how you can help your student through Speedy Reader at home can be found here: SRVIDEO

Student pickup at the end of the day can be a dangerous time for staff and students with the busses moving in and out of the parking lot. We are asking anyone picking up students to pull into the gravel parking lot first then proceed to park in the paved lot. This allows staff and students to move freely around the busses in a safe manner. Once all busses are out of the parking lot, cars may then proceed to line up and pick up their students. Please help us in keeping everyone as safe as possible!

We are in need of volunteers for Pep Club as well as the concession stand. Please contact the school cell phone if you are available to help in either of these areas. It will not take up much of your time and will be a blessing to many other parents, staff, and students.

For some reason, our Amazon shopping wish list is not coming up in a search on Amazon. However, there is a direct link, which we have provided here: AMAZON

If you didn’t get the email from RightNow media, I will provide the link here: RIGHTNOW. There are a lot of great videos on there for your family, devotions, parenting helps, marriage tips, leadership direction and so much more! They have allowed us to offer it to our entire school family for free.

If you did not attend Parent Orientation in person, Mrs. McKee will be getting in contact with you to get some forms filled out that will need signatures.

Lastly, if you need to make a tuition payment online or have not set up your monthly payments yet, please click this link as soon as possible to get started: PAYMENTS

We are looking forward to seeing God work in this school year! It is wonderful to see the school grow and find new and exciting ways to better educate the next generation. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.