724-539-8299 info@bbcalatrobe.com

Please see the following reminders for upcoming events:

  1. Pizza order forms are being sent home today. The order form must be turned in tomorrow with the money for us to be able to order pizza for your child(ren) for Friday.
  2. We will be taking school pictures for the yearbook on September 18th. Guys are encouraged to wear a dress shirt for their pictures. Ties and suit coats are allowed as well. Girls are permitted to wear dresses or a nice skirt/top for their photos. Please make sure they have sleeves, are not form fitting, and the skirts are at least knee length. Questions regarding ladies’ style of clothing should be directed to the female learning center supervisors.
  3. Parents of kindergarten students, please note that there is no kindergarten on Monday, September 23rd.
  4. We have made it a tradition to recognize Cancer Awareness Month during October. This year, we will be doing a fundraiser selling Amish dips and jellies. We will send home more information on the fundraiser in the near future. All proceeds for the fund raiser will be split three ways – 1/3 will go to the school sports program to help pay for referees and such, 1/3 will be applied towards the financial aid grants that have been given out this year, and the remainder will be split between two families battling cancer in our school. We plan to add a few fun days in the month to help raise school spirit as well as add funds that will go to these families.
  5. Please remember that we collect Box Tops for Education as well as Chick-Fil-A receipts from Eastgate and the Westmoreland Mall.
  6. Volleyball games are on the school calendar, including several tournaments. I hope you will join us as often as you can as we cheer on our Lady Patriots! I also want to make sure parents know that we will be taking volleyball team pictures on October 15th during the practice.
  7. Students must be academically eligible (A Privilege) to participate in sports. That means that all students who wish to participate in sports must have four tests passed by the end of the week.
  8. Please remember to contact the school if you child will be absent or late. The school phone is 724-221-0267. It is important to text or call this number as supervisors (and principal) are not always available on their personal phones or able to pass messages along.
  9. At the end of the first quarter, we will be having a parent/teacher fellowship in the Memorial Annex. I hope that you will plan to be here October 20th to meet with your child(ren)’s teachers. It is a great opportunity to discuss where they are at, how they are adapting, and the direction they are heading.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions!