One week and counting. It’s crazy to think that summer is almost over. I wanted to reach out with a few updates and discussion points from Parent Orientation.
- Parent Orientation – If you missed it, please watch the replay here: ORIENTATION
- First Day – The first day of school is August 27th and will have an 11:30am dismissal time.
- Hours – Please remember the time changes for the school this year. We begin the day at 8:05am and finish at 2:50pm. The handbook does not have the new hours reflected as we are still in the process of detailing the day for each Learning Center. Once that is done, we will post a link to the updated handbook.
- Dismissal – Just a reminder that at dismissal, please line up in the gravel lot if you are picking up your students. Buses will be in the main lot and once they have all left the lot, parents can begin lining up. Please do not enter the paved lot until all buses are gone.
- Volleyball – Our first volleyball game is on August 29th here at home. I hope you plan to attend as many games as possible this year to support our teams!
- Calendar – The school calendar can be found HERE. This is updated as often as possible. For those that would like to subscribe to the calendar on their phone, so the feed updates automatically, here are the instructions:
- Subscribe to Android School Calendar
- Use a web browser (not a calendar app) to go to: (you may need to login to your google account from a desktop for this step, I am unsure if a mobile browser works since I use an iPhone)
- Click the + symbol next to “Other Calendars”
- Click “From URL”
- Copy and paste the following (do not click):
- Click Add Calendar
- Subscribe to Apple School Calendar
- On your iPhone, go to:
- Settings>Calendar>Accounts>Add Account>Other>Add Subscribed Calendar
- Copy and paste the following (do not click):
- Click Next
- Change description to whatever you would like and click “Save”
- Subscribe to Android School Calendar
- Concessions – Here is the concession stand volunteer list. Thank you to all who are helping in this. We will have more opportunities in basketball season as well if you are interested in serving! If you cannot make your scheduled time, please contact the school cell as early as possible to find replacements.
- August 29 – Volleyball Only: 4pm-7pm – John and Lorraine Sheets, Colleen M
- Sept. 6 – Football/Volleyball: 4pm-8pm – 4pm-6pm (Keffers, Tonya C); 6pm-8pm (Amanda Stauffer, Heather Womack, Meagan Wilkinson)
- Sept. 10 – Volleyball: 4pm-7pm – Bennett Family
- October 1 – Volleyball: 430pm-630pm – Adrienne, Melody, Lori
- October 7 – Volleyball: 430pm-730pm – Tara, Wendy, Becky
- October 18 – Volleyball/Football: 330pm-630pm – Mrs. Jensen, Michelle L., Keffers
- Busing – Hopefully the bus companies will start getting into contact with you before the end of the week. If you have not heard from them by Friday morning, please contact the school cell so that we can try to get the times for you.
- Thank you for being a part of our school family! We are excited about this upcoming year and all that God is going to do through our staff and students. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.